Welcome to the KTM community feed, where amazing moments, insane rides, and unforgettable KTM stories come to life. Share your most epic adventures and get featured in the global KTM spotlight.

Dive into a world of white-knuckled KTM stories from riders who know no limits. Discover the incredible moments of the ORANGE BLOOD campaign and don’t forget to post your moments for a shot at being part of our feed.

Jhon Correa
Jhon Correa
He recorrido casi toda Colombia en mi 890 y sé que fue la mejor elección que he hecho en mi vida , siempre que monto en mi moto y solo me da felicidad ,siempre que me bajo de ella me volteo a verla y sé que me acompañará en todas mis aventuras

Thank you

Jhon Correa

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Dominik Dobler
Dominik Dobler
I always wanted a KTM. When i got the Money and the License i imediately bought a KTM 890 Duke L. I bought a lot of Parts for the Bike and i loved to create something individual. Something Special which only i have. Now i want a 1390 Super Duke. I looked at other Bikes to buy but nothing has the brutality and the soul of a KTM. Maybe it‘s because i am from Austria an it‘s like a patriotism thing.

Thank you

Dominik Dobler

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Samuel Azcona
Samuel Azcona
For 5 years, my wife and I explored the most remote landscapes of South America on our KTM 1290 Super Adventure, crossing deserts, jungles, and high-altitude passes. Now back to Europe we rode to Nordkapp in autumn and winter, facing extreme cold, icy roads, and polar nights. Our journey was a true test of endurance and adventure, proving the KTM 1290’s reliability in the harshest conditions.”

Thank you

Samuel Azcona

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Samuel Azcona
Samuel Azcona
After four years exploring the most remote corners of South America, we finally reached the ‘End of the World’—Ushuaia. Battling relentless Patagonian winds over 90 km/h, freezing temperatures, and desolate roads, our KTM 1290 Super Adventure pushed through every challenge. Arriving in autumn/winter made the journey even tougher, but standing here was the ultimate reward for our adventure.”

Thank you

Samuel Azcona

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Orange vif, des lignes agressives et qui ne passe jamais inaperçue. Une Duke toujours prêtes à affronter n’importe quelle route et n’importe quel défi, c’est cette sensation de puissance et de liberté que KTM m’a transmis! ---------------- Bright orange, aggressive lines and that never goes unnoticed. A Duke always ready to face any road and any challenge, it is this feeling of power and freedom.

Thank you


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Alberto Perez
Alberto Perez
Duke ktm
Esta es mi sexta ktm, actualmente tengo la Duke 990 2024 y super enomorado de la moto, desde mi primera ktm Duke 640 ha llovido mucho y espero seguir con la marca muchos años mas, ya que me transmite muchas sensaciones y me hace disfrutar

Thank you

Alberto Perez

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Paul McPherson
Paul McPherson
In summer 2024 I shipped my 890 Adventure R to Iceland. It was the perfect adventure partner, taking me deep into the Icelandic wilderness to explore the volcanic highlands.

Thank you

Paul McPherson

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The Road to Freedom For me, the motorcycle is not just a vehicle, it is a symbol of freedom and adrenaline. With KTM, every corner is an adventure, every journey is an unforgettable story. Feel the wind, turn on the gas and chart your own path! #KTM #RideTheAdventure

Thank you


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