Welcome to the KTM community feed, where amazing moments, insane rides, and unforgettable KTM stories come to life. Share your most epic adventures and get featured in the global KTM spotlight.

Dive into a world of white-knuckled KTM stories from riders who know no limits. Discover the incredible moments of the ORANGE BLOOD campaign and don’t forget to post your moments for a shot at being part of our feed.

Alberto Ambroggi
Alberto Ambroggi
Quand'ero bambino ho disegnato una moto da cross, sopra c'era scritto KTM, per me già da allora simbolo di Racing, di velocità, di passione vera... A distanza di anni, oltre che utilizzare moto KTM.. Le vendo anche, Orange Blood!

Thank you

Alberto Ambroggi

Selected Campaign Image

Anuj Parsad
Anuj Parsad
I have racked up over 42000 kilometers on their KTM RC , since 2015 touring all over INDIAN STATES , making a yearly effort to hit the road and cover some ground.

Thank you

Anuj Parsad

Selected Campaign Image

Jon Beckett
Jon Beckett
A hybrid 790 Adv/890Duke R…yes an engine swapped in.

Thank you

Jon Beckett

Selected Campaign Image

Ever since I threw my leg over the 690 Enduro R, I was in love. Since then, I’ve upgraded this motorcycle into a rally replica, and have gone on countless journeys both on and off road. I’ve met some of the best friends of my life on this KTM, and have made many memories that will last a lifetime!

Thank you


Selected Campaign Image

Guillem Planas
Guillem Planas
Yeah the new ktm sxf 250 2025, it’s absoluty insane.

Thank you

Guillem Planas

Selected Campaign Image

Wayne Thorburn
Wayne Thorburn
I swong my leg over a wild 525 mortard, kicked her over and got the rowdy single bellowing. Bangs and pops on the overrun… addicted. Then came a xc250 2-stroke for the trails. 690 duke for the corners, upgraded to 790 to travel the country, and now 1290SD. I am always drawn back to the orange weapons and every bike has been amazing.

Thank you

Wayne Thorburn

Selected Campaign Image

Rosie Lalonde
Rosie Lalonde
KTM is so much more than just a motorcycle brand - and you can see this from the passion that it ignites within the riders who choose to bleed orange - it is like nothing else!! KTM's have taken me to some amazing places, and helped me meet some amazing people, and I am incredibly proud to be part of this orange family.

Thank you

Rosie Lalonde

Selected Campaign Image

Christopher Schipper
Christopher Schipper
Erzberg Rodeo Prologue on my KTM 790 Adventure R Rally! Serial production - ready to race - nothing to add!

Thank you

Christopher Schipper

Selected Campaign Image


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